Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Things that make me feel good

  • When people comment on my blog -I write just for me, in theory, but it's more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading it!
  • When people compliment my cooking -I suppose you could take the hastily cleaned plates as a compliment, but it's better when they say it out loud. (It also helps if you don't feed them for awhile!)
  • When the husband does that little eyebrow raise when I step out of the shower -I'm carrying at least 50 more pounds than the girl he married, but it's encouraging that he still takes the time to go through the motions! ♥
  • When the kids argue over who gets to be on my team for games -To be fair, I almost always win. But only games of skill (like trivia or strategy) because the cards and dice hate me in a way that defies statistics. (I minored in statistics, just to be sure...)
  • When I'm playing with the Angel's Nintendo DS, and Barbie compliments my clothing designs -My rational mind knows that it is a canned response, but I can't help that warm feeling when she tells me how talented I am! ☺
  • When the Peanut gets that huge grin when he sees me -He looks at me like I've just returned from abroad, even though I was just in the other room. There is nothing like the love a nursing baby boy feels for his mother! (The keeper of the milk!)

Which reminds me, have you complimented someone today? Smiled at a stranger? Hugged your loved ones? Believe me, all those little things make a big difference to someone else!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

T'was two weeks before Christmas,
And she hesitates to grouse,
But not a creature was stirring
To help Mom clean the house.

The stockings were hung,
But just on the wall,
Because in this rented townhouse
There's no fireplace at all.

The tree lights are up,
And the outside lights too,
Mom did it herself,
The assistants were few.

She also did the shopping,
And with every bag through the door,
Daddy's blood pressure
Rose a little bit more.

The wish lists are long,
And a little bit funny,
Cause even the Rockefellers
Don't have that much money!

The gifts are almost wrapped,
They all should be, but
The last one she wrapped
Gave her a paper cut.

She would trade in her children
For some happy, helpful elves,
'Cause all those Christmas cookies
Aren't going to make themselves.

She's pressed the dress clothing
Of course they'll complain,
You'd think wearing a tie
Causes physical pain!

She's ready to quit,
To just walk out the door,
Why does she do it?
Who is this for?

Does anyone notice
The candles and lights?
Does anyone care
About her late nights?

The constant battle
Is taking it's toll
Do they really deserve presents?
Or should they get coal?

A calming deep breath
And red wine in a glass,
Bring back memories of childhood
And Christmases past.

Memories of lights and cookies
And presents and more,
Of Santa and carols
And candy gallor!

Of dinner and singing
And a pretty new dress,
Of every Christmas seeming...

But behind the curtain,
Pulling the strings,
Is every mother (and father)
Hiding in the wings.

And that's why she does it,
She remembered the reason,
She goes a little crazy
Each holiday season.

So the children will be happy,
Their faces alight,
Their memories are filled
With Christmas delight!

And in years to come,
When they feel the holiday wear,
They'll find this in
An archive somewhere.

And see that it's worth it,
It's worth all the time
And the effort involved,
They're doing just fine.

And like every parent before them,
They'll do it up right,
And fall exhausted
Into bed that night.

But, you'll hear us all whisper,
As we turn out the light,
"Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a good night!"