Friday, September 26, 2008

Room for a princess

In preparation for our newest family member, my angel is giving up one of her bedrooms. (Okay, before you judge me, allow me to explain.) Previously, she had her bed and dresser in the smallest of the secondary bedrooms, (which is the size of a reasonable walk-in closet) and her toys in the larger bedroom, also known as "the playroom". After a half-hearted discussion on where the baby will sleep, my angel magnanimously offered her "bedroom" for the baby, moving her bed and dresser into the "playroom". I personally think she was simply laying claim to the larger of the two rooms. She's no dummy.

All the "experts" say that these kind of moves should be done early, so the older child isn't feeling displaced by the baby. (Although, any kid who's paying attention at all will know they're getting displaced a little.) The angel is quite happy with her new room, which is crammed to the gills with her things. (Her favorite colors are pink and purple, and it shows.) Here are a couple pics of the new "princess" room:

The daybed fits in a little nook in this strangely shaped room. The wooden loft offers space both below and above for playing, and doubles as an extra bed for Brother #2 when he visits for summers and weekends. (Brother #1 is 17 and has a job, so he rarely sleeps over these days.)

The next step is to get the husband to dig out the baby things from the storage shed. (And I do mean dig, as they are in the back, on the bottom.) However, hauling endless loads of stuff into the house tends to give him a nervous condition, so this might have to wait until after the holidays, when I am undeniably distended with his child. (I think he doesn't really believe in pregnancy until he can see it with his own eyes)


Holly said...

Wow! What a great room. Somehow I think that at least some of this stems from a room that mommy would have loved! She's a lucky girl!

Heather said...

Now I see why everyone wants to play at your house....including me!! LOL