Monday, November 17, 2008

It's a boy!!!

The husband and I just got back from the ultrasound today, and we're having a baby boy! The image seemed pretty clear to the tech, even though I thought it looked a little like a fish skeleton. She kept saying, "here's the heart, and here's the stomach, and here's a kidney..." and I was like, "we'll have to take your word for it!" There was one shot she was trying to get, but apparently either I or the baby were not in the right position. She pushed and mushed until I swear she was getting readings of the table below me. Then she tipped the table back so I was inverted in an attempt to get the baby to pull his head out of my a@@. She did manage to get a picture of his face (kind of) even though his little arms are trying to protect his little head from the attack of the sticky wand! The poor little guy looks traumatized!

We've known the sex for about three hours, and we've already been asked if we have a name picked out. In a word, no. The husband and I are terrible with boys' names! I like old fashioned names, like Nicholas, Alexander, or William. The husband likes caveman grunts, like Bill, Bob, Jim. (I tried to convince him that these are not names, but nicknames--shortened versions of longer names.) We both agree we don't want anything too "trendy", but we can't agree on what that may be! Well, we don't plan to officially "name" him until he's born, so we've got some time. (We don't want to tempt the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing!)

I think he looks a lot like the angel did in her ultrasound. And also, a little like my sister's kid, which must mean that chin is hereditary! We're just so happy to have him! Now, I'll have to make some kind of trade agreement to get rid of all the pink stuff in storage...


Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I agree...he looks a lot like Meri when she was a wee tike! I know a girl (related to me but NOT me) that might have a few boy things for you....I would love to pass on my boy things but after my 2 ruffians there isn't much left of anything! Rollie might even get a few new things to call his very own!!

Holly said...

We have lots and lots of adorable boy stuff. He has a cousin that is just two years older! I'm soooo excited!!!! Now, how am I going to swing a trip after March but before September...I'll get back to you!