Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Death of Emily Post

Manners are one of those things that people acquire, whether through training ("What do say?" "Please?") or through maturity. ("Kids today are so disrespectful!") But all it takes is one trip to the movie theater to realize that manners may be on the way out. It's too bad, because being polite is a very attractive trait, one that is often undervalued. People may not notice when you are being polite, but they sure notice when you are not! So, humor me while I give a rundown of my own personal pet peeves and maybe a gentle reminder for all things manners related!

My Personal Pet Peeves

  • Don't forget to say "thank you"--I am in the habit of thanking people for pretty much anything. I once thanked a police officer for writing me a speeding ticket. (Although, that may be going too far) I thank waitresses, UPS guys, tele-marketers, my kids...pretty much a good habit to get into. (Note to all people who work customer service: You should be thanking ME! I'm doing you a favor by using your when I thank you for whatever service you have provided, you should thank me for my patronage.)
  • "Excuse me" is not just for burping--If you bump into me in a crowd, say it. If you walk between me and whatever it is I'm looking at in the store aisle, say it. If you need to interrupt my conversation, if you need to divert your attention away from me while I'm speaking, if you didn't hear what I said, say it.
  • Don't crowd me--Granted, I may have a larger "personal space bubble" than most people, but I really don't like people to stand too close too me. This is my dance space, that is yours. Especially while I'm trying to enter my debit pin into the machine. Courtesy dictates you should look away...that means you, grandpa! Take a step back.
  • Don't drive with your parking lights on--okay, it's not really a "manners" thing, but it drives me crazy anyway. If it's dark enough for lights, it's dark enough for headlights. Parking lights are used when a car is parked. (As indicated by the name.) You can't drive a parked car, so don't drive with your parking lights on. Okay, somebody help me off this soapbox...
  • Put your damned phone away!!--Are you honestly so popular that you can't even go for two hours without checking your messages? And the glow from your phone in a darkened theater is like a giant spot-light shining on your Stupid Sign. Turn off your phone in theaters, churches, lectures, etc. And don't carry on a loud conversation in crowded hallways and elevators. No one else wants to hear about how much you hate your brother's girlfriend. (It just makes you seem catty) Pay attention to what is going on. Look both ways when crossing the street and be ready to order when you get to the front of the line. You should be paying attention to the real life people in front of you. It drives me crazy to see a group of teenage girls sitting together and each completely engrossed in a conversation with somebody "better" via text. If you absolutely must answer your phone or text while talking to me, please see the "excuse me" section.
  • I think the word you were looking for is "are"--I am not a teenager, therefore I do not recognize the words "r", "u", or "2". It's okay in a casual text or facebook comment, but if you want me to understand you in an email, please use actual words. DOAMBIDUADWTL. (Don't Over Acronym Me Because I Don't Understand And Don't Want To Learn.)
  • Super negative blog posts--I really hate it when people do nothing but bitch on their blogs! Oh, wait...


Holly said...

How about leaving your toddler at home when attending a PG-13 movie? The husband and I went and saw Transformers in the theater (sans the wee one) just to sit in front of a kid about a year older than our own. The whole movie was "what happened to him?" or "What's that?". If your kid likes those kinds of movies (and ours does) rent it for them and view it in your own home!! I want a date without kids thank you very much!! Also, if the theater is empty...DO NOT SIT DIRECTLY BEHIND ME!! If there's enough space your should use it.

Heather said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!! I have been looking for the cemetary that all manners have been buried in so I may bring flowers and pay my respects! I try so hard to instill manners in my children but sometimes I fear that their peers may eventually get their vote....oh how sucky their life will be when they stop listening to their mother....