Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm never moving again!

This move is going to kill me. I can't seem to get anything done with my son screaming at me every time I try to do anything productive. (Notice, he's not screaming right now...hmm.) The husband and I spent the last weekend cleaning out the "old" apartment. Just so you know, and don't judge me too harshly, there is some sort of cleaning quota which we have of course filled and now our other house (the one we actually live in) is a complete wreck. This makes the husband {super happy}. (Side bar: the curly braces are a personal "sarcasm font" my friends and I use on facebook, and now I'm sharing it with you. Pass it on...it's gonna be big! Plus, it's free.)

We spent hours scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom. Well, we asked the teen to clean the two of the bathrooms, and after 15 minutes and we couldn't find him, we just went ahead and cleaned them ourselves. (He didn't really want to go to prom, I guess.) I asked the angel to use some disinfecting wipes and wipe down all the baseboards in the house. Sounds stupid? Have you looked at your baseboards lately? Me neither, and they were gross.

Of course, after putting in a ten hour day of cleaning, no one would want to clean again. This lead to what shall henceforth be known in my family as "The Great Dishwashing Affair", the one where I washed dishes (by hand) for 5 HOURS. You can't even make that up. Apparently, it had been so long since I had cleaned the kitchen at the new house that I couldn't even find the counter. I've never heard the husband and kids as quiet as they were when this was going on. If I'm relaxing on the couch, they all want to talk to me or sit with me or in other ways distract me from the drivel I'm watching on TV. When I'm doing the dishes...nobody's home. Seriously, crickets are chirping. (Except the peanut, who's screaming of course.)

But the clouds seem to be parting, and we are finally completely moved out of the apartment. Of course, now we're stacked into this tiny place like cord wood, but that's a story for another time!


Holly said...

Ugh, moving is a serious pain in the arse! I've told people numerous times that the next time I move it will be into the house that I die in! You'll have to pry me (and a bunch of my crap) out of it. It's so refreshing though once it's over. Good luck on the remodel!!!

Heather said...

I totally understand the part about everyone wanting to be on your lap when you are watching tv or reading a book!!!! I gave up reading long ago but recently managed to read New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in less than a week! Woo hoo! Go Me!