Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Things Only Mama Knows

There are many things that only a mother would know. There are the obvious ones, like how much your babies weighed at birth, (even devoted daddies rarely commit that to might have been our justification for the fuss over the pain. "That was an 8lb thing I just pushed out!!") but there are plenty of other things that no one else in the household seems to know...or even bother to care about. A few examples:

  • The perfect ratio of milk to chocolate syrup
  • The incredibly complex procedures involving toilet paper roll replacement
  • When the garbage is full, continuing to stack things precariously on top is not a solution
  • Where the batteries are stored
  • Ditto the Scotch tape, scissors, glue, thread, etc.
  • That there is a full, unopened jar of peanut butter RIGHT BEHIND the almost empty one
  • That being forced to eat bell peppers can make a 9th grade boy act like a 3 year old girl
  • What that weird, long stick with the bristles on one end is for
  • The day and time of every soccer game, ballet lesson and band rehearsal
  • Whether the baby is sick or just "teething"
  • Exactly how much Santa spent on each of her children
  • The price of a gallon of milk
  • That a glass of Merlot can dampen homicidal inclinations
  • What actually is for dinner
  • That there are very few people she would sacrifice her time, sleep and dreams for, (not to mention tummy, ass and thighs) and they all live right here in her home...eating up all the peanut butter


Heather said...


Holly said...

Moms are also the only ones that know how to load the dishwasher properly so that every thing gets clean (not just food re-dispersing itself on other dishes), do the laundry, vaccuum, dress the baby in something other than a onsie, feed the cats, pick up the living room...I could go on forever. Another great post!!!

Star said...

Thinks the reason why Mom's know where everything is located from husband/kids shoes(because I get up in the middle of the night and wear them all then hide them) to the new garbage bags(although they have been under the kitchen sink everytime I've checked) is because at some point we have picked them up and put them away. Perhaps the answer is to stop cleaning... :)