Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do we HAVE to do birthdays?

Around here we have two majorly expensive months: December (Christmas) and August (Back to school). I would imagine many families can relate. I'm sure that everyone maxes out their monthly budgets at those times of the year.

But I think I've got you beat. My family, in an extraordinary display of inadequate forethought, has also managed to toss birthdays into the morass. My darling Angel was born just days before Christmas, ensuring that forevermore shall her birthday presents be wrapped in Christmas themed paper! Not to mention the difficulty of choosing a time in December, when everyone else is just as busy (and broke), to have a birthday party. And of course the expense of a separate birthday gift over and above any Christmas gifts.

And then there is the Teen. While I had no direct influence on the date of his birth, (I was packing for my first year in college at the time!) I find myself shopping for a birthday gift along with the purchase of an entirely new wardrobe! (Partially due to a growth spurt but mostly due to a general destructiveness when it comes to...well, pretty much everything he touches.) He has more than once had the misfortune of this birthday actually landing on the first day of school, which probably takes the shine off of it a little.

I know what you're saying. If I would shop early, or budget more appropriately, this might not be such an issue. And to that I say, "Pfthtffththptht!" (That's the phonetic spelling of someone giving a 'raspberry'.) I've tried buying birthday gifts ahead of time, and let me tell you that in the land of 9-17 year olds, a week can indicate 4 different mind-changes on what they want for their birthday. Imagine if I had bought the gift two months ago?! Talk about last season/obsolete!

I suppose the only way to make this problem any worse is if we had a birthday during tax season! (Oh, wait...)

Friday, June 10, 2011

New Kitty?

I think we have been adopted by a new cat. Anyone who has ever had a cat knows what I am talking about...people don't own cats, cats own people. When our beloved hedgehog died 6 months ago, the husband begged and pleaded that we would have no more pets. Surely, the cuddling and feeding and poop detail was met with our children and their needs? I understand his reluctance. The children fall in love with a pet, I am responsible for all of its care, and he is responsible for its disposal. The husband has "disposed" of countless fish, a dozen hamsters, two mice (the pet version, not counting the ones we trapped behind the fridge), at least two cats, and the hedgehog. He's practically a pet mortician.

Unfortunately, the Teen is allergic to pets. He tries to deny this, but the evidence speaks for itself. While in a house where cats dwell, his eyes swell and he sneezes non-stop. {But it's probably the pollen.} A dog licks his arm and he breaks out in a rash. {Could be scabies.} He pets a horse and later he can't feel his tongue. {It's probably not serious.}

Both of the older children have been campaigning for a dog. The teen wants a mastiff or a rottweiler. (I want him to return to reality) The Angel wants a Chihuahua or a Yorkie. (Which is basically a 90 year old hypochondriac in a 4 lb. animal.) The Peanut has yet to express an opinion, but we haven't narrowed down his language yet, so for all we know he's pulling for a beagle or a lab. I just want them to stop leaving their socks in the living room and their clothes on the bathroom floor. Like I need another "thing" to clean up after.

And yet, we have been having a mice problem lately. And a few weeks ago I found a baby snake on my kitchen floor. (It's too bad that "vermin" can't be declared as the cause in a divorce, because at the time, it seemed perfectly logical.) So, when an adorable and agreeable stray cat presents herself, who am I to turn her away? (Unless an adorable and agreeable mongoose where to show up...) The kids have been petting her, and we've been putting food out for her. I believe she is residing under our deck.

The funniest part is the husband suggested we invite her inside. He calls her "Sweetie", and even the Peanut, who is not all that gentle, is well tolerated. We've asked around the subdivision for anyone who might be missing a cat, and so far no takers. Of course, she has yet to prove her "mousing" abilities, but for now she seems to be lapping up the attention. And, if she gets restless, we just put her outside. Win-win! ;)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why I Dislike Summer Vacation...

Why I Dislike Summer Vacation, by Autumn

My dislike of summer vacation is threefold. The first, and probably most important, reason is the same reason I don't like weekends...too many people. In my house. In case you haven't been following along (and why would you, my last post was 9 months ago!) my family of 5 is currently crammed into a two bedroom house, waiting with bated breath for the completion of our fabulous new addition that will triple our square footage and restore sanity to the land. But for now, when all five us are home at the same time...I go a little crazy. I breathe a little sigh of relief every week when hubby and children cheerful go off to work/school, leaving me alone with the toddler to assess the damage of the weekend's chaos. The Peanut can nap peacefully on the couch without the inevitability of someone slamming the door or yelling at one another to turn down the music that is blaring from all five rooms of the house (yes, including the bathroom). I can vacuum the floor and it will stay crumb-free for at least 30 minutes. Bliss. The only dishes that get dirty are a yogurt spoon, a peanut-butter knife and a coffee cup. Wonderful. I can use the bathroom...well, no, I still have company, but we're not looking for miracles here.

Now, imagine a world without those blissful Mondays. That, my friends, is summer vacation.

Reason #2: Everyone plans things for summer. Going through my schedule, I have three weddings, several BBQ's, a couple baby or bridal showers, and all the local "festivals" like the rodeo and Boat Float. So, on top of any chaos my weekends already possessed, now we are adding dress clothes and gifts. Because I clearly didn't have enough to do. Not only are they taking away my downtime, but they are actually amping up the crazy.

Reason #3: Everyone thinks that kids are sleeping-in and watching TV all summer, right? Uh, no. They are still up at the crack of dawn, which gives them more hours to fight with each other and complain about how "bored" they are. We have five acres of land, but the Teen and the Angel have to sit on the same couch and argue about whose turn it is to pick a movie. (We don't have TV, mostly because of the "whose turn is it" debacle) Not only that, but between Driver's Ed for the Teen and the many summer lessons and activities for the Angel, we will be running around more than we ever do during the school year! How can I be a "stay at home" mom when I am making 12 trips to town everyday? This is like some kind of psychological experiment, only I'm not in the group that's getting the "good drugs".

I know that there has been a debate about the length of the school year, and it is being argued that it is better for the students if school is in session year round. I don't know who these fools are that are arguing against it, but be warned...I'm looking for you. I would imagine that if it were to be put to a vote sometime during the second week in August, it would pass with flying colors. My kids have been out of school for 4 days, and I'm already there!