Friday, June 10, 2011

New Kitty?

I think we have been adopted by a new cat. Anyone who has ever had a cat knows what I am talking about...people don't own cats, cats own people. When our beloved hedgehog died 6 months ago, the husband begged and pleaded that we would have no more pets. Surely, the cuddling and feeding and poop detail was met with our children and their needs? I understand his reluctance. The children fall in love with a pet, I am responsible for all of its care, and he is responsible for its disposal. The husband has "disposed" of countless fish, a dozen hamsters, two mice (the pet version, not counting the ones we trapped behind the fridge), at least two cats, and the hedgehog. He's practically a pet mortician.

Unfortunately, the Teen is allergic to pets. He tries to deny this, but the evidence speaks for itself. While in a house where cats dwell, his eyes swell and he sneezes non-stop. {But it's probably the pollen.} A dog licks his arm and he breaks out in a rash. {Could be scabies.} He pets a horse and later he can't feel his tongue. {It's probably not serious.}

Both of the older children have been campaigning for a dog. The teen wants a mastiff or a rottweiler. (I want him to return to reality) The Angel wants a Chihuahua or a Yorkie. (Which is basically a 90 year old hypochondriac in a 4 lb. animal.) The Peanut has yet to express an opinion, but we haven't narrowed down his language yet, so for all we know he's pulling for a beagle or a lab. I just want them to stop leaving their socks in the living room and their clothes on the bathroom floor. Like I need another "thing" to clean up after.

And yet, we have been having a mice problem lately. And a few weeks ago I found a baby snake on my kitchen floor. (It's too bad that "vermin" can't be declared as the cause in a divorce, because at the time, it seemed perfectly logical.) So, when an adorable and agreeable stray cat presents herself, who am I to turn her away? (Unless an adorable and agreeable mongoose where to show up...) The kids have been petting her, and we've been putting food out for her. I believe she is residing under our deck.

The funniest part is the husband suggested we invite her inside. He calls her "Sweetie", and even the Peanut, who is not all that gentle, is well tolerated. We've asked around the subdivision for anyone who might be missing a cat, and so far no takers. Of course, she has yet to prove her "mousing" abilities, but for now she seems to be lapping up the attention. And, if she gets restless, we just put her outside. Win-win! ;)

1 comment:

Holly said...

The only reason I like cats better than dogs is that you don't have to walk around the yard and pick up after a cat...just clean a litter box once or twice a week. It's an excellent job for a kid! Plus, she can be an indoor/outdoor cat and those are the best kind!