Friday, April 25, 2008

When it rains...

My life is a series of stressful weeks interrupted by months of boredom. I wish that I could take the time to enjoy things as they at a time. Alas, it is not to be. This week, my schedule is packed, which means that the best I can hope for is just to survive it, rather than enjoy it.

Let me preface by saying I am a procrastinator, or at least, I will be when I get around to it. I have 6 or 7 projects for school hanging around my neck that HAVE to get done this weekend. (So obviously, I thought I'd type a blog post instead) I also have to clean the house this weekend, something I've been putting off for the last month or so. (The Everest of dishes in my sink is a testament to how stubborn the husband and myself can be. We are each waiting for the other to graciously take care of it. 3 weeks and counting...) My sister is visiting from Minnesota with my adorable, and mischievous, nephew to work on her wedding plans for this August. My angel has a field trip to dig for dinosaur bones at a local ranch, which really just means that she will come home with a rock I have to pretend is a fossil and two bricks of mud that were previously known as her tennis shoes. I am graduating from college next Saturday, and the husband is giving me a party. (And "giving me a party" generally means I must clean my house and take care of all the arrangements. A real gift) I also have to attend an award ceremony because I am graduating Magna Cum Laude and also the math department is giving me some sort of Outstanding Student Award, which I feel I should show up to accept. (We hope not to stay at the reception too long, as the department heads will be there and I want to take my award and run before they realize what a huge mistake they've made and that I don't actually know how to do any math. I was hoping to keep that a secret until after the diploma is in my hand!) In the middle of all of this is May Day or Beltane, which is a wonderful little pagan festival celebrating the returning fertility of the Earth and it's inhabitants. My angel and I usually celebrate by planting flowers and leaving little secret May baskets on the doorsteps of our neighbors, but that might get scratched for time this year. (Too bad, it's one of my favorite secondary holidays) I also like to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but I'm not sure there will be time. (Not that I am in any way Mexican, I just really love guacamole and margaritas!)

In addition, I have some knitting projects for a baby shower next weekend and mothers day. (Which is only two weeks away!!) But I fear I must triage, so the homework gets done first. (Mom will understand. Mother's are pretty understanding about half-completed projects.)

Luckily, when this week is over my plans include...nothing. I have no plans for two months. I wonder if people will be confused if I try to move May 1st to June 1st...

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