Thursday, September 4, 2008


At long last, I am pleased to announce that the husband and I are expecting another child! This will be my second (biological) child, and number three or four for the the husband, I lose track. Because of our previous problems, I was waiting until week 12 to make any "announcements", but it turns out everyone already knows. Apparently, I really am that bad at keeping secrets, even my own. Mostly it stems from the fact that I haven't been drinking alcohol for the past couple months, which from everyone's reaction is extremely out of character for me. (I'm not sure I like the way that I'm portrayed here...) Not drinking at my sister's wedding was a dead give-away for most of my friends and family, and the ladies at golf league noticed right away! But, I think that most people knew that we were trying, and they were ready to pounce on any little info that might indicate good news.

The husband and I have been "trying" for about 4 years now. The first two years were unofficial, but when that didn't pan out we sought medical assistance. After some tests, thankfully covered by insurance, we were diagnosed with "unexplained secondary infertility". (Which is medical code for "we have no idea what's going on, but we checked the Magic 8 Ball and your 'outlook is good'...") I took some prescriptions and had some more blood work done, (If you ever need blood drawn, ask for Linda. She's the best.) and only two years later, here we are!

There are a few things about this pregnancy that differs from when I was pregnant with my angel. First of all, because of my recent miscarriages, I am tentative to get super excited or run out and start shopping for the baby. Not that I'm not excited, but there is a part of me that has to hold back a little, for self-preservation. And that's too bad. Another thing that is different is with my angel I started to "show" at about five months. With this baby, I started to show about five minutes after the pregnancy test. Right now my jeans are fastened with a rubber band, and I'm only 3 months along! The best part about this pregnancy is that the husband gets to experience it! When I was expecting my angel, he and I were living in different states. (Not intentionally! It just happened to work out that way with our jobs.) So he missed a lot of the middle stuff, really only being present for the beginning and the end! Now he knows the joys of morning sickness, (I can't stand the smell of meat cooking!) exhaustion and all the other little first trimester gems!

If everything goes as planned, my peanut will be joining us the middle/end of March. I'll try to keep you posted as news develops. In the mean time, keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so happy that I can share the news now!!! I also get another little niece or nephew out of it!

Anonymous said...

Pretty Nanna is tickled pink.... or should we think blue? My fingers, legs and toes are crossed... wishing you well. LY

Headyball said...

RAH! RAH! RAH! Now Al doesn't have to show S. how to do it! LOL!!!!! :-) (jk jk)

WishingKristen said...

Hooray! I will be thinking of you in March!