Monday, September 29, 2008

Sleep, glorious sleep

This is my ode to sleep. It is entirely under-rated as a hobby and totally unappreciated as a cure for a great many ailments. How often have you heard someone say, "It'll be better in the morning." And you know what, it almost always is. I believe my next major purchase will be a new mattress. After all, we spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed. (For me it's more like 4/10, but who's counting?)

I love sleep. But you know who hates it? The very young. They have absolutely no respect for the sanctity of sleep. Ironically, they need more than the rest of us. Or do they? I'd like to see some data on this one. My angel could stay up all night, until she simply crashes into a puddle on the floor. My darling step-son has been surviving on 2 hours of sleep for most of his life! (That's cumulative, by the way.) My husband has trouble sleeping if he takes a nap in the afternoon. (Which then necessitates a nap the following afternoon, perpetuating a dangerous cycle.) On the other hand, if I were lying prone, in a cool, dark place, I could sleep for 24 hours if no one woke me. Apparently, it's a gift.

I can sleep anywhere, too. You know those people you see sleeping up-right in a plastic chair in the airport? That's me. It's a talent I've developed from a very young age. I have also passed this talent on to my angel. As evidence, I would like to present you with a little game called, "Guess Who's Sleeping." I posted some pics of my angel and I (as a child) in the blissful state of a stolen nap. Can you guess who's who? (Yes, I know, the photo quality and the "That 70's Show" props often give it away, but just play along. Okay?)

The first one is me, half on a chair and half on an ottoman. The second is the angel...half on the couch and half on an ottoman. Now more:

How small do you have to be to sleep on a chair? I think my angel (top) and I (bottom) have proven that a little "tucking" goes a long way.

Am I hungry or sleepy? There's no need to decide! At least she made it half-way through her sandwich! I couldn't even wait for lunch to be served!

So, go on, enjoy a nap now and then. It's good for you! I promise, no one will judge you. In fact, they'll probably be jealous!


Anonymous said...

WOW! The similarities are uncanny.... talk about clone'in
I got them all correct, but guess I'm probably not eligible to play!
Love ya both! MOM

Holly said...

I too got them all right, however, you can really tell because most of the furniture in your pics is still in use at the house!! Adorable.

Anonymous said...

These were easy for me too, as I remember seeing you in some of those positions. You may have inherited you ability to sleep, too. As I have been told by your uncle that I sleep all the time and all day!
Love ya both, too!
Your Godmother