Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Only two days 'till Halloween!

Any of you with children are familiar with the "is it Christmas yet?" syndrome. Time seems to just draaaag for these young ones, especially when they are anticipating a fun event. My angel has awakened every morning this week saying, "Only five days 'till Halloween!" and etc. Her enthusiasm is admirable, but it can get old fast. This is the same child who wanted to decorate for this same "holiday" the second week in September. Although, who could blame her, the stores all were Halloweened up. I told her we had to wait at least until October before we put up Halloween decorations! (BTW, the length of holiday display has been carefully negotiated during the tenure of my marriage, and the final compromise has been holiday decorations may only display for 1 month, with the exception of Christmas decorations which may display for up to 2 months. There are no real ramifications of breaking this ordinance, other than the husband will be annoyed.) She is also bugging me to carve the jack o'lanterns, which at her age is really more of a chore for me. Yes, she will help with the seed removal, the best part purely for it's gross-out factor, but the lion's share of the "carving" will fall on my shoulders. Then I volunteered to help with her party at school, and the parade following that. And then there's trick or treating. And you know what? For all my labors, she probably won't even share her candy with me! (At least while she's awake, wink, wink.) I tell you what, holidays are a lot of work!

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