Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Angel's faulty wings

My angel has officially proven that her title is an honorary one. Yesterday afternoon, while dressed in fancy shoes and dragging her pink poodle by a leash, she rushed down the stairs to welcome her father and brother home. And I do mean rushed, as objects in freefall descend at the rate of about 30 feet per second. Yes, she fell down the stairs.

Daddy was standing there, and had her in his arms in a second, consoling the crying child and checking her head for lumps. Her brother was also quick to act, dashing to the freezer to get an ice pack for her. (Out of the several options which included infant teethers and Disney princess lunchbox ice packs, this 13-year-old boy chose a freezable breast shield, proving once again that the infatuation with "boobies" may be chromosomal.)

Almost at once, she was complaining that her shoulder hurt. And she had a bump on her left collarbone. A trip to the ER showed that she did in fact break her clavicle (collarbone) and she has to wear her arm in a sling for a week or two. Poor little thing. Not only that, but she had to brave the X-ray room alone, as X-ray techs get nervous even looking at a pregnant woman. Mommy had to wait outside. They showed her the "pictures" of her bones, and especially pointed out the crooked one. (Even she could see that it was broken.) Apparently, collarbones heal pretty quickly, and they do almost nothing to assist, save issue her an arm sling that might fit an average sized 10 year old, but seems a little big on a petite 7 year old. (Toddlers and pre-schoolers must get a handkerchief or something.)

So, following in her clumsy mother's footsteps, the angel will be one armed for the immediate future. Which is exactly what an extremely pregnant woman be distracted from her own discomfort by caring for her first little baby.


Holly said...

Poor little girl! You can tell her that she is just following in the family way...her uncle broke both his arms in one year, her aunt had surgery on then broke her arm in the same year, and let's not get started on her mom! This makes me very nervous about my son who shares our DNA and is very unaware of dangerous climbing!! I hope she feels better soon!!

Heather said...

Maybe after she heals I will have my kids teach her the basics of a godd "tuck and roll". I will be offering 2 classes....indoor falling and outdoor falling. Let me know if you want to sign her up! ;-) Hope she heals quickly!