Thursday, March 19, 2009

No room at the inn...

Well, the big day is finally here, and really, not a moment too soon. My eyes have disappeared into my puffy face and my fingers resemble pink sausages. My feet must be swollen too, since my shoes don't fit very well, but I can't really see them to be sure. My belly has almost doubled in size in the last week, if the way my clothes are fitting are any indication.

We have a planned induction, scheduled for today. If you couldn't tell, I'm not in labor right now. I'm not even in the hospital right now. The husband and I decided to do our traveling last night and stay in a hotel a little closer to the hospital. We were told to call at 5 am to see what time they wanted us to check in. And just as I suspected, the birth center is full. (I thought it seemed like there were a lot of extremely pregnant women in the OBGYN waiting room lately. What was going on last July?) So now we are waiting for someone to check out so we can check in. Barring, of course, another woman showing up in actual labor. Last night, I contemplated the irony of going into labor the night before a scheduled induction, but the peanut wasn't interested. He seems rather comfy right where he is, and I got to say, he is a lot quieter where he is.

But mommy is uncomfortable. Plus, I really want to meet him! So now, we wait. (Ring, phone, RING!!) Hopefully, my next post will be about the joys of labor and motherhood, but until then...


Heather said...

We are keeping our fingers crossed for you! I actually had the same thought last night....I thought "wouldn't it be funny if she went into labor on the day of the induction?!" It has been known to happen! We are really excited to meet him as well! Keep us posted and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thinking good, healthy, nearly painfree (as I don't know that it's possible to deliver without some pain), soothing thoughts on your exciting day!