Friday, March 20, 2009

Waiting for baby

Okay, so no baby yet. Apparently, we are having some sort of baby boom here in Easternish Montana. Both hospitals in our urban center are full of laboring women, and the NICU is full as well. (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where they send all the little preemies and other babies who are having trouble adjusting to the "outside" world) Therefore, the powers that be (the NICU) have declared that there will be no "non-spontaneous" labors until the place clears out a little. There isn't anything they can do about woman who just go into labor, but they are requesting the doctors don't put any women in labor without a good medical reason. (I guess "but it's my husband's day off" doesn't qualify as a medical reason!)

So now we leave it up to the baby. His actual due date is Monday, so we know he won't be born then, (I believe that no baby has ever been born on their actual due date. Those people who were born then were probably given the wrong date by their doctors) but hopefully sometime this weekend. My angel went three days over her due date, so it is possible that the peanut will emulate his sister. It is a little frustrating, because I usually don't leave major life decisions up to the kids, but I suppose this is one of those times. He'll come when he's ready. Now, maybe we should decide on a name...


Heather said...

Actually Gabriel WAS born on his due date! I didn't want him to be because it was on someone else's birthday and she rubs it in every year! ;-)

Heather said...

What was it you said about babies not being born on their due date? Even if it is induced....LOL!

Holly said...

Congratulations! I just wanted to let you know that I started into labor on my due date, but he wasn't born until the next morning...I guess your theory proves true in our case! By the way, he definately fits the mold as far as how the other grandchildren look! I can't wait to see him.