Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Come here often?

Sorry all, for staying away. Unfortunately we've had some "stuff" going on in our three-dimensional life which makes blog posting drop a few places on the list of things to do. The least of which is the technical difficulty I'm having with my laptop. I'm not sure what the technical term would be for the problem, but "won't turn on" has been working for me so far. And before you start throwing advice, like "try plugging it in", let me assure you that I have done all the stuff one is supposed to do, and I've spent an inappropriate amount of time on the phone with the guy from tech support. (I think he and I might be legally married in some countries) We (and by "we" I mean the fella who's Indian name I can't spell) think it's a motherboard problem. I'm pretty much writing it off, as it sounds expensive to fix and I didn't pay that much for it to begin with. But I am going to take it somewhere and see if someone far wiser than myself would be able to retrieve any data from the hard drive. (Hamnibijeesh seems to think it might be possible.) So I have been using my older laptop, which is much slower and doesn't have any of the bells and whistles that make things easier to use, like a memory card reader or a current version of Adobe. And it is the family computer, so I have to fight off the husband, teen and angel for my computer time. (Hopefully it will be another year or two before the peanut wants to be added to the schedule) *Sigh*

In addition, my father-in-law has been having some health problems and has been in the hospital for the last few weeks. The husband, who works four 12 hour days during the week plus an hour commute each way, has been spending the lion's share of his time-off at the hospital, which leaves the "holding down the fort" up to me. I don't mind,it's just a lot less free time without a baby on my lap. And holding babies makes typing quite difficult! As I'm not realistically expecting his condition to improve drastically in the near future, my blog posts may become fewer and farther between. Just for now. If praying is your thing, I ask that you do for him, as he has a difficult road ahead. Get well, Grandpa!

So, for my loyal readers, I hope you don't become discouraged when you keep checking and I haven't made a new post. I will check in from time to time when I've got something good to say. But in the meantime, the three dimensional people come first!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I will keep checking just like I always's one of my favorites sites! ;-)