Sunday, November 1, 2009

Take me away...

I never really understood those old Calgon commercials (You know, "Calgon, take me away!") until I had kids. I mean, I like baths as much as the next girl, but those women were making a really big deal about it.

Fast forward a few years. Now, I get it.

Just the simple act of taking a shower is like a mini-vacation. Lock the door, and close my eyes. I'm standing under a beautiful waterfall in Hawaii, the warm sun filtering through the leafy jungle canopy. The sweet, flowery scent of orchids fills my senses...of course, it might just be my shampoo.

Where was I...oh yeah, slathering on the sunscreen, or coconut scented bodywash. The humid Hawaiian air is relaxing me, the gentle sound of the ocean is lulling me...

KNOCK KNOCK!! MO-OM! If he gets to have a yogurt than I want some Goldfish, but Daddy says he doesn't know where they are! And he can't find any pacifiers so the baby is screaming, and I thought you said [the Teen] can't come in my room, cause he's in there now and Daddy said he's not going to deal with it and I want him out! How much longer are you going to be? was good while it lasted.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sometimes I wish that when I lock the bathroom door to shower it could somehow activate a mute button...