Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Things that make me feel good

  • When people comment on my blog -I write just for me, in theory, but it's more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading it!
  • When people compliment my cooking -I suppose you could take the hastily cleaned plates as a compliment, but it's better when they say it out loud. (It also helps if you don't feed them for awhile!)
  • When the husband does that little eyebrow raise when I step out of the shower -I'm carrying at least 50 more pounds than the girl he married, but it's encouraging that he still takes the time to go through the motions! ♥
  • When the kids argue over who gets to be on my team for games -To be fair, I almost always win. But only games of skill (like trivia or strategy) because the cards and dice hate me in a way that defies statistics. (I minored in statistics, just to be sure...)
  • When I'm playing with the Angel's Nintendo DS, and Barbie compliments my clothing designs -My rational mind knows that it is a canned response, but I can't help that warm feeling when she tells me how talented I am! ☺
  • When the Peanut gets that huge grin when he sees me -He looks at me like I've just returned from abroad, even though I was just in the other room. There is nothing like the love a nursing baby boy feels for his mother! (The keeper of the milk!)

Which reminds me, have you complimented someone today? Smiled at a stranger? Hugged your loved ones? Believe me, all those little things make a big difference to someone else!


Holly said...

Hey, I love your cooking (or rather I love it when anyone else does the cooking!)...I always want to be on your team when playing Trivial Pursuit...I'd raise my eyebrow at you, but that would be creepy...I'm not Barbie but remember when I used to steal your clothes? That's because I wanted to be just like you! I don't want your milk, sorry I couldn't help you there!

Heather said...

I LOVE reading your blog and visiting with you in person always makes me smile....or bust out in laughter! I get warm fuzzies when people (especially the ones you would NEVER expect it from) compliment me on my hair....that way I know that not EVERYONE considers me a freak! ♥☺

Star said...

I think {sometimes} all the daily things Mom's do get overlooked it's always nice when they are recognized, and you know you rock if you kids want to be on your team for game night :)