Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Waiting Periods

I am a spur-of-the-moment kind of girl. I also like instant gratification. (Blame it on my Gen X membership) However I do believe there are somethings that are worth waiting for. A "waiting period" as they say in the NRA. (Although it's usually followed or preceded by an explicative I choose to edit here.) I got my hair cut recently. And by "recently" I mean back in December. I was sick of my old style (which was nice shoulder length blunt cut with extra frizz from my natural curl) because it took 20 minutes to dry and straight-iron or else I would just put it into a ponytail, which is what I did most of the time. So on a particularily bad hair day (after begging the husband to hide the scissors from me, to which he responded "what scissors?") I strolled into a GreatClips for a haircut. Exclaimer: I do not hold GreatClips responsible for the hair travesty that ensued, but I do hold them morally responsible for their availability on short notice. I walked right and sat right down, and told the woman with three different hair colors and seven different lengths that I wanted a change. I wanted it short. (This is what I do, by the way. I grow hair out, then I cut if off. It's how I roll.) She asked me a few questions then reached for the murder weapon, the straight razor. Her level of distraction was evident, as she was not even able to maintain the banal pleasantries and small talk one expects from a hairdresser. When it was all said and done, I wanted to ask her for her credentials to prove she was in fact a licensed beautitian. $14 dollars later (can you believe I tipped her?!?) I went home to wash the "gunk" out of my hair and see if I could style it into something I would actually wear, versus the "Flock of Seagulls" look she sent me out the door with. There seemed to be a hole in the back where she over "razed" and one side was definately longer than the other. Yup. I got hosed. I think it was supposed to be one of those A-line bobs ala Posh Spice but with my curly hair that would never work! Oh well, you can't glue it back on. So I lived with it for a month, at least until the 1/2 inch pieces on the back of my head grew out a little. This time I went to a trusted hairdresser. (Her work is shown above. I can't show you the previous cut as I had forbidden any and all photography while my hair was in transition.) I could tell the difference because I had to make an appointment. If I had been given this well advised "waiting period" earlier, I might not have become so attached to the little knit cap I wore for a month straight. (Luckily it was cold and snowy so it didn't seem weird.) Anyway, I guess the lesson is you get what you pay for. Or maybe good things come to those who wait? Also, I never thought I was the kind of girl who was so wrapped up in my hair, but that's only because I hadn't tried that cut before. I am much more particular now!

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