Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring break

You know something I never got to do in all my years of college (and we're going on 6 now) is take a trip for spring break. I've never hauled my pasty-white winter-self down to warmer climates to enjoy a glorious hang-over and sunburn. You're never going to see me in a Girls Gone Wild video. (I don't think...) I'm not sure if this is a right of passage that I'm going to regret missing out on, or be thankful to have saved the cash. And it's not like I do anything productive, like volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or anything with my time off. In fact, I usually get sick over spring break. Not just the run-of-the-mill cold and flu either. No, no, I'm much more creative than that!

When I was 13 I got chicken pox over spring break. When I was 17 I had a pre-cancerous mole removed. (outpatient surgery) When I was 19 I had my wisdom teeth removed. Two years ago both my angel and myself caught conjunctivitis (pink-eye) from the petri dish that was her daycare center.(You parents out there know that putting drops in the eyes of a 3 year old 3 times a day for 10 days is the textbook definition of hell.) Needless to say, spring break doesn't hold great memories for me.

I guess it's not too late. I could still go down to Cancun in mid-March some year and pretend that I'm a college student. The problem with that is that drunken coeds are incredibly annoying! Plus, I know a couple of adults that do that sort of thing, and personally, it's weird. My dentist went to Ft. Lot-a-Tail over spring break for a "conference". Who's kidding whom, here?

So, I guess I missed it. But you know, with my track record, it's probably safest if I stay home anyway. I'll make myself a Screwdriver and watch Weekend at Bernie's. And maybe drink some echinacea tea...just in case.

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