Sunday, January 18, 2009

Confessions of a reformed pack-rat

My name is Autumn...and I am a pack-rat. I come by this trait quite naturally, as any of you who know my parents can attest. Unfortunately, I have all of the "qualities" that lead to clutter, and it drives the husband crazy! My living room is an obstacle course, my bathroom sink is hidden somewhere in a forest of make-up and hair thingys, and my bedroom looks like Sanford and Son. (Buh buh bunnuh) I have been taking steps to correct this problem, and it requires me to get pretty harsh on my clutter.

My first problem is I am just plain lazy. It's not that I don't have anywhere to put some things, it's just that I don't. I think to myself, I should get this place in order, and then I think, nah, I'll take a nap instead. I'm working on it. My bedroom floor is carpeted with clothes that used to fit me pre-pregnancy. It's hard to find the energy to launder clothing I can't wear, so it's still laying there. One of these days I'll get around to it...

Second, I'm a collector. I find something I like, and I want all of them! Books and movies in particular are my weakness. The husband doesn't get it, (He doesn't read just for fun. Street signs make up the bulk of his reading material.) and my "collection" of books are a constant...discussion at our house. (Argument is too strong a word, although it occasionally descends that far.) I read mostly fantasy or romance for fun, but I also have several science-y novels and math reference texts. Luckily, there are storage facilities specifically designed for books. Bookshelves. My problem is curtailing my collection so that is fits on my existing shelves. I also love movies, but I finally did buy some beautiful, leather binders that hold CD's and put most of my DVD's in them. They are much better looking and take up far less space than shelves of DVD cases. (We have over 200 titles, but the husband doesn't seem to mind these as much.) I read somewhere that there are two kinds of people: people who read a book once, and people who re-read their books. I fall into the second category, so I feel justified in owning books and movies that I read/watch over and over.

I'm also a crafter. And that stuff takes up a lot of space! Sewing machine and it's paraphernalia, clay, paint, greeting cards, scrapbooking supplies, knitting needles and looms, yarn, as well as specialty kitchen items like rosette irons and a krumkake machine. I have had to limit these things, and periodically I purge and get rid of more. Of course, when we get into "discussions" about this stuff, I have to bring up the the garage that is so full no car could ever be parked in there. (Why do we need a carburetor to a vehicle we no longer own?) We tend to agree to disagree on this one.

I am also guilty of "sentimental" clutter. This is the adorable little Christmas dress the angel wore when she was a baby! So? It doesn't need to take up space in her closet now. What does one do with honor cords from graduation? Art projects that the angel is so proud of? Baby afghans? And what is the appropriate way to store the things that make the cut? Do you see my troubles? Also, I am very careful with my things, which means I rarely break things or wear them out. I still have the alarm clock I had when I was in the fifth grade. And the first microwave I bought back in 1996. A dried corsage from Prom, and my Cabbage Patch dolls and Barbies from childhood. I need to learn how to throw these things away. Even if they are still "perfectly good", or if they have a powerful memory attached. They are just things.

So as you can see, I'm only part way into my 12 step program, but I think I'm on the right track. I'll never have the sparse, Japanese-style existence that the husband seems to crave, (I don't think he knows how much he would miss DVD's and throw blankets and all those other comfort items he likes to call "my crap".) because I like to be surrounded by my stuff. That doesn't mean I want to be buried by it!

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