Friday, January 23, 2009

"Did it snow?"

This is the perfect time of year to play a little game I like to call, "Did it snow?" The rules are simple: wake in the morning, but don't look out any windows. That way, when you are all dressed and ready to leave the house, opening the door is a huge surprise! Here's a little rundown of how to play:

-Alarm goes off. Hit snooze. Repeat.
-Alarm goes off. (yet again) Heart leaps into throat as you realize you have overslept.
-Shake angel (insert name of your own kids here) awake, telling her to hurry up. Listen to her whine and cry and try to burrow back under the covers.
-Physically remove her limp body from the bed, and send her to the bathroom for teeth brushing and ear cleaning. (She just got her ears pierced and is still using the antiseptic every morning.)
-Throw on clothes. They don't have to match or look good. Splash water on face and pull baseball cap over your unwashed hair.
-Lay out clothes for angel. Check on her in bathroom, as she often falls back to sleep sitting on the toilet with her toothbrush in her mouth.
-Head to kitchen to scrounge up breakfast. Shout periodically for angel to hurry up. (BTW, husbands who are trying to sleep-in on their days off love this part of the game.)
-Reach for milk in fridge, only to remember you used it all yesterday. Reach for Pop-Tarts in pantry, only to pull out an empty box. (Who in their right mind would put an empty box back in the pantry!?!) Dig through freezer and triumphantly emerge with one, lone Eggo waffle. Good enough.
-Nag angel to eat over her plate while you simultaneously tug her head back in an attempt to brush the tangles out of her hair.
-At the 5 minute mark, toss on jacket while encouraging angel to do the same. Open door to leave. (Now here is the fun part...) Discover that it has snowed while you were sleeping.
-Stamp foot out of frustration. Send angel back in for boots and heavier gloves. Begin the chore of sweeping off the snow-covered vehicle, knowing that this little surprise will surely push a rushed morning directly into a late morning.
-Leisurely drive angel to school. After all, three minutes late is the same as ten minutes late. Give her a big hug, and apologize for yelling at her all morning!
-Return home and climb back into bed. Maybe the sun will come out and we can play the equally fun game of "Did the snow melt?" later in the day.

Of course, this is just how I play the game. You will find variations for your own family's enjoyment! Anybody know when summer will be here?

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