Saturday, February 7, 2009

Say it with me guys...Romance.

Ah, February. The month that strikes fear into the hearts of married (or otherwise attached) men. One can hardly blame them. It's hard to be spontaneous and romantic when you are given a deadline. Thou shalt be romantic on February 14, every year. (See how I included the date...just in case you may have forgotten!) This Hallmark holiday is particularly annoying because people are still recovering from Christmas. You just got your Visa bill paid off, and now you have to rack up charges again for fancy dinners and jewelry?

Some people take this holiday very seriously. Others, like me, are happy to receive a kiss and a three dollar card. The thing is, Valentine's Day doesn't have to be the only time to do something romantic. In fact, part of the romance is the surprise, which you don't really have on V-day because you know it's coming. But I know there are a lot of women out there who only receive their annual flowers and balloons on Valentine's Day. (and maybe their birthday, if he remembers) Do guys really hate romance that much? I don't think so. I think they just can't think of anything good to do. After all, they don't often publish articles on how to be romantic in Popular Mechanics or Hustler or whatever guys tend to read. Added to that, romance tends to be expensive, and a lot of people are a little on the ropes when it comes to money these days. So, if you can't do something grand, why do anything at all, right? WRONG! It's that kind of thinking that lands your pillow on the couch, mister! So I'm going to help them out. Here are a few suggestions for low cost romantic gestures. You get extra points if you do them at random times during the year, but if you don't have plans for next Saturday (yeah, it's that close!) this may help.

1. A local weekend getaway. You don't have to jet off to Napa to be romantic. Even a night at the Super 8 can be romantic if you pack candles and wine. Just the change of scenery is a welcome respite from the mundane. The key here is the planning. If she does all the planning, it doesn't count. You have to make a reservation, and pack the candles. It'll take a half hour, tops, so no excuses. Extra points for packing a little picnic you can enjoy under the covers! (Don't forget to pack glasses for the wine/champagne, and some music.)

2. Take her shopping. And, no, Walmart doesn't count. Pick that section of town with the little specialty shops and coffee bars. The beauty of this is, you don't have to actually buy anything! It's the wandering around holding hands that's the romantic part. Cruise the little antique shops, then stop and have a cappuccino. Nobody has the time for "window shopping", so it's really the time and attention you are giving her that is the gift.

3. The old stand-by...dinner. If you've got the means, make a reservation at a posh restaurant. If not, think of something else. The husband and I once had an incredibly romantic time sitting in the bar at Johnny Carinos! Order a bottle of wine and split an entree. There is something romantic about eating from the same plate. Just think of Lady and the Tramp! The thing about going out for dinner is that you might not want to actually go on the 14th. Talk about cramped! Surprise her by taking her out Friday night instead. Or you could always make dinner! Served by candle light, your dining room might be the most romantic place in town! Just make sure you clean the kitchen when you are done! Leaving her a mess to clean up actually negates any points you may have scored with the dinner. Don't know what to make? At the end of the post I'm including my super simple, no fail salmon recipe. My 7 year old can make it.

4. Less is more. Can't afford two dozen roses? Try just one. There is something incredibly romantic about being presented with one, long stemmed rose. Does she like candy? Instead of the huge heart shaped box of confection crap, try getting her a small sampling of really good, high quality chocolate. You don't have to make one huge gesture if you are frequently making small ones. Give her a rose just because it's Tuesday. A pair of earrings don't have to be diamonds, just get her something that she likes.

5. The back rub. One of my personal favorites. But don't give her a coupon for one, just give her the damn back rub! If you'd like, you could get her a professional massage. The key here is to not only pay for it, but also make the appointment AND arrange for childcare. The worst gifts are ones that just make more work for her!

Now, there are five ideas for romantic gestures. But for all the ladies, remember that romance is a two way street. If you want him to be romantic, you have to give LOTS of positive reinforcement. It's a little like potty training. You've got to really make a big deal out of little gestures. And probably the most romantic thing you could do for him, is let him off the hook. Offer to plan your "romantic" evening, and save him some of the stress and heartache. Believe me, he'll appreciate that more than anything you could wrap, and you'll be sure to get exactly what you want. Sounds win-win to me!

Simple Salmon
-2 frozen salmon fillets
-1 medium lemon
-1/4 cup butter (half a stick)
-Lawry's seasoning salt and black pepper
Thaw fillets in the fridge (by taking them out of the freezer the night before) or in a bowl of warm water. Preheat oven to 375. Sprinkle both sides with seasoning salt and pepper. Place in a shallow glass baking dish. Slice butter into "pats" and place them on top of fillets. Wash lemon really well, then slice, placing several slices on each fillet. (On top of the butter) Cover the dish with tinfoil and bake for 30-40 minutes, until the fillets are flakey in the middle. Serve them on a bed of rice. (I usually use Rice-a-roni Herb and Butter. The directions are on the package.) Enjoy!


Heather said...

Well said....I think the most romantic thing I get is that he thanks me for cooking dinner every night! LOL!

Heather said...

and he has changed an occasional poopy diaper ;-)

Holly said...

I'd say that the most romantic thing I've received is a finished bathroom! Surprisingly I came home to a clean and finished bathroom with a bath drawn and a hot cup of tea. It was completely out of the blue and WAY out of the ordinary. What's best...afterwards I went downstairs to an already made dinner! Pasta al a Daddy...the best!