Tuesday, June 2, 2009


One of the things they never tell you about having a baby, is how much STUFF they come with and just to what extent that stuff will take over your life. I took this picture a few minutes ago to demonstrate exactly how out of control my livingroom has become with baby things. Of course, just to the left of the frame is an old A-frame style baby swing and just barely out of the picture to the right is a fabric bouncy seat. So this snapshot is really just the tip of the iceberg! As a child I really enjoyed the I-Spy books and games, so lets play it now...with my livingroom.
Can you find...
-a package of diapers
-a stapler
-2006's "it" sandals espadrilles jockeying for space with 2009's "it" gladiator sandals
-a large box of breast pads which prevent me from ruining every shirt I own
-5 "dirty" diapers, all wrapped up and no where to go
-a basket of clean laundry that has yet to be folded...oh, who's kidding whom here, will never be folded
-a can of fancy mixed nuts containing only almonds as someone has picked all of the cashews out already.
-a bottle of "mommy's little helper", Mylicon. (You thought I was going to say wine, didn't you? I removed that bottle before I snapped the picture.)
-a drink "koozie" with no drink
-a beach ball with no beach
-a glass of water sitting right NEXT to, but of course not ON, a sandstone coaster
-a basket that is supposed to corral the diapers but is in fact the only place in the room no diapers can be found
-an adorable sleeping baby who makes the whole mess worthwhile


The Hip Homemaker said...

I am always flabbergasted at how such a tiny being can have such BIG toys. bouncers and saucers and swings. I hate how much space they take up!

Holly said...

The toys seem to get smaller as they get bigger, but I swear they start muliplying! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Miss Little People have been getting busy!

Josh has started threatening the Prince with taking all his toys away if he doesn't...[insert any sort of bad behavior here]...(secretly hoping he will do it again so that we have a really big excuse to clean!)

I want some good pictures of that baby! I haven't seen any since the day he was born!! Can't wait to see you in just a couple weeks!!

Star said...

..and a partridge in a pear tree...

I'm not sure when the clutter ends. I don't think I can take four steps in my house without stepping on a Hot Wheel Car. I find them everywhere :-)