Friday, October 9, 2009


Dear Sony/Disney studios,

Thank you for continuing to promote the stereotype of the "evil" step-parent. As an evil stepmother myself, I can't tell you how useful your movies have been. As I command my little "minions" to load the dishwasher, I am reminded of your classics, such as Cinderella and Snow White. (Reminded by the "minions" themselves) Never mind the fact that I would command my own daughter to do the same chores. Never mind the fact that the "minion"s mother also commands him to do these same chores. (Actually more often, because my "evil queen" business allows me the time in my day to do the dishes myself, therefore only requiring assistance once a week or so.)

I would also like to thank you for the upcoming movie The Stepfather, because there is no way that will cause problems in blended family households. Sons of divorced/widowed mothers are always rational when it comes to a new man in mom's life, and your movie will no doubt be hilarious to them.

What you may fail to realize is that there are people who genuinely care about the children of their spouse. You may also fail to realize that while divorce is very difficult on parents and children, it can be particularly difficult for the people who marry the parents of that divorce. And guess what? Their job is more difficult. They have the unique opportunity to be responsible for the care of a child they have next to NO say in raising. Mom and Dad want Junior to take piano lessons? Step-mom ends up being the one to actually drive him to and from said lessons. Mom and Dad want Junior to take hunter's safety courses? Step-dad is the one who actually takes him hunting.

And after all the effort and love Step-mom and Step-dad may pour into Junior, he will always only have two parents. Mom and Dad. Not that Step-mom and Step-dad need a "thank you", (they know they'll rarely get one) but they would seriously appreciate being painted as the "villain" less often! Did anyone consider that Cinderella was a little mouthy, and therefore deserved to miss the big dance?

But you guys, major movie studios, don't care about all that. And I understand. Parenting is a thankless job, and step-parenting is even more so. It's not like we didn't know about these kids when we married their mom/dad. We just didn't plan on loving them. And we certainly didn't plan to be pissed off by your portrayal of our role in the family. But we can take it. We've had worse.


Evil Step-Mother


Heather said...

Well said and completely understood by this fellow Evil Step-Mother!!!!

Star said...

I think we should start an Evil Step-Mother club...sitting around cackling and drinking wine whilst our step-children fold & put away laundry..bwha ha ha ha

On a more serious note even though I was "technically" a stepchild (folks married when I was 3) I was lucky enough to never have felt like one. I hope to continue that with our little suprise bundle of joy, although it is harder when they remind you..