Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So much to do...and yet I don't care

For those of you following along, you know that I am in the middle of a move. And if you've been around my blog for awhile you know that it is actually something I do pretty often. Unfortunately, this is not one of those "organized" moves. We are just moving from town to 3 miles out of town, one pickup load at a time.

First things first, we removed our beds, which of course have to be completely disassembled by the husband and the cordless drill/driver. ("Hey, do remember what I did with the screws for this?") We plucked them from the knee-deep mess surrounding them and moved them first. We did the same thing to the couches, except without the luxury of taking them apart. ("Okay, I think we have to tip, the other pivot...okay, okay, set it down...let me think about this for a minute...")

So we have horizontal places to lay down and sit at the new house. Uh, did we remember clothes? Another trip. I forgot to grab any shampoo or towels! Another trip. Mommy, can I have a bowl of cereal? Of course, honey, I grabbed milk and cereal...uh...but forgot bowls. Another trip. Where's the spoons? [Insert profanity here]

Now we've had to pause the major moving so the husband can go back to work, which leaves the "details" up to me. The new house is a mess of things that I just don't know where to put. (A great majority of which do not even belong in the house, like miter saws, but not sure where to put it...although I have a pretty good place in mind...) And the old house is a mess of things that aren't used everyday, but we still might like to have. Things like slow cookers and treadmills and the entire contents of my closet...pretty much all of MY stuff! (To his credit, the husband was sufficiently ashamed of himself that we had managed to move all of his clothes, and all of the kids clothes and I was still wearing the same T-shirt for 4 days. Not enough to help me though.)

With all these things hanging over my head, I have decided that today is the day...that I do NONE of it! I'm sitting on my new deck, in 65 degree, beautiful spring weather. Wearing sunglasses. Sipping red wine from a plastic cup with Easter eggs on it. (I, of course, remembered to bring the corkscrew!) Typing on my netbook, and loving the invention of wireless internet routers. And you know what? I don't even feel bad about! I've been working hard for three months, and every once in awhile, I just need a break.

Tomorrow. That's when I'm really gonna get to work...and when the diet starts...and all the drinks are free...


Holly said...

HA! When you wrote about moving your couch it reminded me of the Friends episode when Ross tries to move his couch up a flight of stairs..."Pi-VOT, pi-VOT"
Good for you to take a break! I also remember when Kris and I moved literally 200 yards laundry basket at a time. It took forever and it sucked, but we made it and you will too!

autumndaesy said...

Oh, Holls...I'm so glad somebody "gets" me!

Heather said...

I am right there with ya sister! I just finally took the last of my stuff out of the other house....which was my crap in the closet! I figured that I better get it sooner or later so mom didn't burn it! I wish I was a better wine drinker so I could sit on my new deck, but I am on my way out the door to help Colette move...and them mom next weekend -- I think I need some Calgon!!!!!☺

WishingKristen said...

I feel for you...I despise moving! I don't even like to rearrange my living room because it involves more cleaning and the possiblity that I have moved it all for nothing. I also remember moving with Holly, we really did move everything one laundry basket at a time. I'm sending good vibes your way...hang in there!