Thursday, January 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well, we are finally moved! (And by moved I mean that almost all of our stuff is here in our new house, still in boxes for the most part.) I want to especially thank the husband, as he really did the lion's share of the physical labor involved. (A special thank you to the husband's brothers for their help with the "unloading"!) I'm not sure what I was hoping for, but the place looks alarmingly the same as it did before we left! I'm still meandering through a maze of boxes and I can't find a damn thing! (Where is that corkscrew!?!) I read somewhere that moving ranks fifth on the list of "life's most stressful events". (Behind death of a loved one, divorce, birth of a child and loss of a job!) Two months ago, I wouldn't have agreed with this ranking. "I love to move!" I said, naively, "It helps me get rid of my clutter!" Open mouth, insert foot. Yesterday I had a mini-breakdown. I started back to school last week, and due to the work involved with the move I am already falling behind and I hate to start a semester that way. I was crying and snippy with everyone. (Monthly hormones may have been a small factor in the breakdown, but mostly because I couldn't find the things I was looking for!) Added to my stress was the fact that I was between internet carriers. (My previous carrier didn't offer service in my new residence, which I think is just a way for all of them to fleece me out of more money!) For the past two weeks we have had no internet or cable. I's like we're cave people! On top of that, I didn't get rid of nearly as much clutter as the husband had hoped. Of course, our definitions of "useless" items differ slightly. He claims I have too many books. I think that the waterbed frame he found near the dumpster might be taking up valuable space. He said I have more stuff than anyone he has ever met. (Um, have you met my parents?) I thought that an entire trip dedicated to a power trowel may have been unnecessary, especially since he hopes never to do concrete work again! (For those of you who don't know, a power trowel is a huge thing that looks like a or something and I guess it does something to concrete...I don't know, it's never really been made clear to me.) But on a positive note, we did some good things. We used the money my brother gave us for Christmas and bought new dishes. (The dishes we had been using were given to me, used, when I was 19. As they were still in pretty good condition, I gave them to my brother!) We also bought new kitchen towels, bath towels and bed sheets. (The ones we had were mostly wedding gifts from going on 9 years ago!) A big chunk of purging was in the Tupperware drawer. (Beware: Tupperware will reproduce on it's own if left in a drawer or cupboard for too long. But not evenly. Our lids had a big old happy family, but our bowls seemed to be suffering from fertility issues.) We tossed all but our favorite pieces and bought some new, with the new little organizer thingys. Overall, we have reached that place where we are finally getting rid of the second-hand stuff we acquired when we were "just starting out" and bought new stuff or our own. It really feels like growing up. (I think early 30's is an excellent time to start thinking of yourself as a "grown-up")
Well, thanks for reading. I really wanted to celebrate being back online with a new post. Both of my fans will be thrilled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so we finally closed on our house and I'm looking forward to being moved. The process of moving not so much. Although I'm hoping to do that organization thing also and maybe let me friends in my home again. NOt sure when all of this is happening but soon I hope. I will try to call you sometime so we can have lunch or something when I'm in BT. Love ya.