Monday, January 12, 2009

Clarence Wilhelm?

Okay, we're getting down to the wire here. This peanut needs a name. Unfortunately, the husband and I are really struggling with little boy names. The ones I like, he dislikes and the ones he likes...wait, I can't think of any that he likes! It doesn't have to be decided until he's born, but we don't even have a good short list! If he were to come now (and I'm 30 weeks so it's not out of the realm of possibility, you know?) he would be Baby Boy for a long time!

So, how in the world do people choose names for their kids? Seriously, it's a major decision. This kid is going to have his entire identity wrapped up in a word that I (okay, we) choose. What does one base the decision on? (No, I'm really asking. Please comment!)

Here are a few of our requirements/dilemmas:

1. Family. Should he have a family name? In some cultures it is considered bad luck to name a baby for a relative that is living. And unfortunately both the husband and I come from Northern European families, so most of our family trees are filled with names like George, Bernt (with an umlaut) and Adolf. (not that one!) These names are all fine, but maybe not for modern-day boys, you know what I'm saying? Also, our families are both huge, and we didn't really want the peanut to have the same name as one of his cousins or second cousins, just for confusion purposes. (although, it's not a deal breaker!) That's a pool of around 50 boys, and therefore 50 names off the list. Bummer.

2. Trendy or Traditional? The husband and I are fans of traditional names. Especially for boys. One of the criteria we had when we were choosing names for the angel was, "would you expect your senator to have that name?" Kiki might sound cute for a little girl in pig-tails, but it's a little harder for a grown woman to pull off. The same thing goes for boy names. It's nice to have a cutesy name for your little bundle, but eventually he is going to be someone's boss (ideally) and he should have a name that says so.

We also don't want anything too popular. I grew up with a close circle of friends that included three "Amy"s. I don't really want my son to be known as Jonah B. So we are trying to avoid the top 10 -20 names of the year, in the hopes that maybe just his first name will do.

And, here's a note on spelling. We insist on the regular spelling of names. I'm not sure who thought it would be a good idea to find the most convoluted way of spelling their kid's name. Speaking as a person who's name is frequently misspelled, (which is weird because Autumn is an actual word that even spell-check will pick up!) I don't want to saddle my child with having to constantly correct the spelling of his name. Although, some people are just dumb so a little correcting is inevitable.

3. Nicknames. The husband is quite adamant that we avoid names with obvious nicknames the other boys will tease him with. Richard, for example. Apparently young boys find joy in making dirty or mean ways to make fun of other boys' names. (Young girls are much more creative in their cruelty, and therefore can make you cry regardless of your name.)

4. Manliness. Some names, no matter how much people swear they are for boys, will always sound girly. Like Lesley or Ashley. (Even in Gone with the Wind that guy was kind of a p###y!) And I'm not a huge fan of "gender-neutral" names like Jordan or Taylor. I want my son's name to be a boy's name. And the husband has a problem with "country club" names, like Sterling. If the name brings to mind guys in polo shirts who eat ivy and row boats, he'll probably veto.

5. Alliteration. Our last name starts with M. The husband's older boys' first names start with M. The angel's first name starts with M. Does this mean we should choose a name for the peanut that starts with M? To be honest, we didn't really mean for it to happen, we just really liked the names for the older kids and hadn't planned for the naming theme. But now, is the peanut going to feel left out if he is the only one whose name doesn't start with M? (Neither the husband nor I have M names.) Something to ponder...

So as you can see, we have a long list of things we don't want. What I could really use from you is a few suggestions to go on the do want list. My dad is pretty good about this. Every time I see him, he asks how little "Oscar" is doing, or other names like Irving, or Clarence Wilhelm. (For short, we could call him "Clarence Wilhelm".) So please, I'm looking for suggestions here. And don't forget to answer my poll, which has a few of the names that I like. Thanks!


Heather said...

I know where you are coming from....when Gabriel came along Al TOLD me that THAT WAS HIS NAME! To top it off he has 2 gigantic middle names too!! When it came to Rollie, I was actually joking when I threw it into the ring but the more we said it the more we liked it! Sure, you can call him "Polly" or "Ollie" or "Rolly Poly" (which we do:-) but I think he will fair well in later years! Good Luck ;-)

Holly said...

So I voted for William, Maxwell (eventhough its already in use), and Nicholas. I like William, but only if you call him Will (not Bill or Billy). I really like the name Will, but with my last name it sounds sort of "sing-songy". I like Max and Nick too. It took us forever to name Caden and we also chose the most basic spelling (at least we thought!) We thought it was an unusual name until after he was born and the ink was I know a ton of Caden's!
I think kids will make fun of any name, and if you choose a name that isn't easily made fun of, they will find something else to tease him with. Kids are evil.

Another name that I like, but Josh hates is Asher, sort of traditional and sort of hip...

Just my two cents...good luck!

WishingKristen said...

Boys names are by far the most difficult. Chris wanted a Junior...however, I felt that Chris, Kristen and Chris Jr. was a little overboard on the "Chris's." Back to the peanut...I voted William, not only because I like the traditional feel, but because there are so many variations of nicknames, none of which, to my knowledge will cause any sort of social ostracizing. Good Luck! It is very exciting!

Anonymous said...

It is hard. I like Alexander, Maxwell, or Michael...or perhaps the traditional spelling of Jackson :-) I also have a cousin who named her boy Liam which grew on me.

Paul was stuck on the name Roland for awhile...which is old fashion. His reasoning for wanting the name didn't win out(Gunslinger's name in Stephen King "The Dark Tower's Series).

Happy mulling!

Anonymous said...

Funny, Kelsi and I were just talking about this (unless you want to call her "Quelsie" for the sake of the spelling argument). I vote for an "M" name. I'm not big on matching names, but since you are 3/4 of the way there, why not go for it. Michael is certainly traditional, but I think Maxwell or Marshall are more in line with the other 3 traditional names you already have. I couldn't help but google some others--do with what you wish.

Malcom (I can see you calling him "Mal". Kinda cute!)

Martin (I actually giggled when I said this one out loud with your last name. Sounds like a bodily function!)

Matthew (was supposed to be MY name if I had been a boy--IMAGINE)

Anonymous said...

Austin and Mason are my boys names. Both would fit well within your parameters. We call Mason,"Mace" and Austin is Austin. lol. Try them on for size. By the way your husband and I had similar feelings regarding boy names.

Anonymous said...

As one of the aforementioned Amys, my input may be slightly skewed to the non-traditional! I must say that I disliked being one of 3 Amys in a class of 46 people(although I dearly love my fellow Amys!). In light of that sentiment, I voted for Marshall or Ian, or Maxwell rather than William or Michael. I do like all the names on your list, but think there may be more Wills or Mikes or Alexs out there and I am imagining nicknames like "the other Will" or "Will number 2" or "Will M" (kinda like the musician, huh?). I cannot even list all the variations that I have heard over the years for my name. I have had more nicknames than Elizabeth Taylor has had husbands! Although I do want to say that whatever his name, he will be a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful family and he will be every bit as loved as a little boy can be. **I don't know Paul, but I love the name Mason!

Anonymous said...

Tell your dad I said ANYTHING BUT DAN!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

It's funny, I really liked George but Ben didn't. And Bernt was actually on our short list we went to the hospital with two names, Berndt and the one we ended up using. Also I would have to agree with your dad, I love the name Oscar, but Ben refused since we have a dog named Oscar. Anyway back to your list I picked Ian and Micheal, I love the name Micheal, but I dated a Mike.

Holly said...

I think there are some super cute M names out there, so I've come up with a list. Granted, you've probably already gone through them and I'm sure you already have a name picked out regarless of what people say here, but I'm taking a shot.
(I was only have kidding about the last cute is the nickname Duke?)

Anyway, it's a slow day here at work as you can tell.