Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She's no mother!

The other day, the husband and I were going through the baby stuff we had with the angel. While I was disassembling a breast pump, the husband stumbled upon the instruction booklet. Thinking this may be an opportunity to see boobies, (the Y chromosome is pre-wired to constantly seek out boobies) he skimmed through the booklet for pictures. Sure enough, he found one, a model demonstrating the use of the product.
"She's no mother," he said, a subtle sneer in his voice.
"What do you mean," I asked, not really listening but focusing on not losing all the itsy-bitsy pieces to the pump.
"These things," he said, pointing at the general area behind the pump, "are not lactating." Now he had my attention.
"How do you know?"
"Where are the huge nipples and giant blue veins?" That made me laugh.
"Maybe she's been airbrushed?"

"But look at her robe. Perfectly clean and white, without a trace of spit-up. And when did she find the time to put on that much eye makeup? This just a model." He wandered off, but took the booklet with him. (Let's face it, boobies are still boobies.)

I find it encouraging that he has a realistic outlook on motherhood. I was a little worried that he had forgotten, after all, it's been 7 years or so since we've had an infant around here. People always admonish the advertising industry for creating a false reality with their models, and putting us "real" women in the position of always feeling inferior. Why on earth would they use a beautiful, well made-up model with her tiny perfect...pumping area? And then I realized that if they told the truth, (a haggard looking woman with red-rimmed eyes and dirty hair in three day old pajamas trying to pump her huge, blue-veined...area) they are likely to scare people! And as silly and unrealistic as it may be, I'd choose door number 1!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's the more bees with honey approach to advertising...

I get ill looking at people's delivery pictures when the mother appears to have just returned from a vacation instead of giving birth...perhaps I'm green with here's hoping you have a picture perfect moment & have at least one sweaty, nappy hair, beet-faced picture for your memory book as well.

Heather said...

Just as "boobies are boobies" men are just boobs! LOL! As you know I am married to a fella with similar DNA as your own understand! ;-)